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Nationwide Direction To Pay Form: What You Should Know

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Nationwide Direction To Pay Form

Instructions and Help about Nationwide Direction To Pay Form

McDonald's is now accepting "lovin" as a form of payment. I should be able to pay my bill then pretty well. The company is launching a new campaign modeled after its Super Bowl commercial, which aired on NBC yesterday. News Channel Seven's Adan Gay visited one participating location to explain how it works. For the next two weeks, at least 40 customers a day will walk into McDonald's and instead of hearing the usual sounds of the cash register, they'll be able to hear something else. "For your payment today, be ever cell phone with you. No, it's not a joke. Dial up your mom, tell your lover." With the premiere of McDonald's Super Bowl 49 commercial, the company is launching a nationwide campaign to show customers that a little more "lovin" can actually change a lot. "I thought the young man was teasing me. If I give him a hug, I get just face tough," a customer said. "Would you like to pay in 'lovin' today?" Another customer expressed, "This is an opportunity to put that positive energy in our community. You know, there's a lot of hate messages on social media sometimes, and we realize because of the scale of our brand, we can come in and give this positive energy and give back to our customers." So far, the employees at this McDonald's location have asked for fist bumps and hugs, but they have even more tricks up their sleeves. "We're gonna do one for dancing. Guess they forget someone to do a dance for us, and then we're also gonna try the selfie. You've gotta be so angry to do it," an employee explained. "How does it make you feel to be able to pay with 'lovin'?" a customer was asked. "I never have done it....