Um, we're going to go through the property application today. As many of you know, we get our Accord forms from a court advantage. If you have an agency management system, you can also get court forms from the management system. Basically, we're going over the property application, which will cover all the questions needed to insure a commercial lines property. One thing I'd like to specify before we proceed is that property is limited to adding a location. For example, if a contractor has business personal property (sometimes referred to as contents) that they own and carry in their trucks, it needs to be covered on an inland marine policy. However, if they have tools and stuff at a shop, that will be put in the actual property section. Usually, it's the 1,000-foot radius around the location that's covered for the business personal property. That's the property section we'll be going through today. When completing a property application, you also need to include an Accord 125, which is the general application. This applies to any other lines of business as well. You always fill out an Accord 125, which is the general info, and then add the application for the line of coverage you want to include. For example, if you want liability and property coverage, you'd fill out the 125 (general application), the Accord 140 (property section), and the 126 (liability application). That's all there is to it on these core forms. The trick is to know which ones to fill out. That's what we're going to go through here today. Let's start with the date at the top. I think it's the 7th today. Whoops, it's actually the 12th. Alright, we're going to leave this part blank if we're sending it into Access Plus. We don't need to put in...
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